Sunday, September 16, 2012

Star Ratings

Lundy Watches...
While the series being watched for this blog were revealed earlier in the week, Sunday has remained something of a mystery. Truth be told, Sunday will currently be reserved for information about the blog and any announcements that need to be made, with the possibility of something else in the future. As for today, I thought it might be interesting to some if I gave a brief explanation as to the star ratings that each review earns and how I manage to come to those conclusions for each story I view.

Each episode is rated out of 5 stars, with 1 star being earned for acting, 1 star for directing, and 1 star for writing. Should my opinion on these matter vary in my reviews, in the event that half the cast did well and the rest were poor, or that the plot of the episode was good but the dialogue was bad, the episode would only earn ½ of a star for that category in that particular review.

The other 2 stars are somewhat more difficult to earn, as each of the remaining stars are dependent on 2 factors each. Every review includes 2 things about the episode that I liked, and 2 things about the episode that I didn't like, with each of the 4 items being capable of earning ½ a star each.

The ½ stars earned for the good elements of the episode are based on the level of quality that they brought to the show. For example, the background music in a particular scene may set the tone so well that the episode would be severely lacking with it's removal, earning a ½ star for the review. On the other hand, while I might find an exchange between 2 of the characters particularly moving, funny, or interesting, it might, ultimately, take focus away from the plot at hand, which might cost the review a ½ a star.

The negative aspects of the show would work in the same manner; if something in the script was so distracting that it took me out of the experience, it would earn nothing for the episode's rating, but if the entire episode was so amazing that I had to reach for something to complain about, such as a character's bad hair or a single joke that fell flat, it wouldn't be worth losing a ½ a star over.

Ultimately, the ratings are based on my own opinion, and everyone is entitled to agree or disagree with them. This is just a way for me to share my viewing experience with anyone who cares to join me.


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