Sunday, September 2, 2012

An Introduction

Lundy Watches...
Lundy Watches... is a blog designed to review television shows that have finished their broadcasting cycle, either through cancellation or coming to their natural ends. The reviewing of live programming was dismissed in favor of those who have concluded in order to allow any readers to watch along with this blog unabridged by any hiatus that would have been experienced while watching a show during its original run.

Each day will provide a review for a different genre of television; Mondays will be reserved for drama, Tuesdays for animation, Wednesdays for action-adventure, Thursdays will see thrillers, Fridays are for comedies, and Saturdays will have science fiction. Sundays will provide a round-up of what was watched during the week, and which show I personally felt best met my criteria for winner of the week; Sundays will also include any announcements pertaining to the blog itself, including the announcement of a new show (likely as a replacement for one that has been watched fully-through) or any upcoming events (such as a two-part episode that might be best watched in one sitting.)

Reader feedback would be great in order to determine which shows I will be reviewing passed the first episode, as it might be an ideal way for readers to discover a show they had never before watched, or to re-experience a show they had enjoyed before.

Throughout the first week, otherwise known as Pilot Season, 5 reviews will be posted each day, after which a winner will be chosen, and that series will be followed through until the end of its run. The reviews will be posted at Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) or Pacific Standard Time (PST,) depending on the time of year, and on days that feature more than one review being posted they will be staggered throughout the day, starting at 1:00am and ending at 9:00pm.

What I'm hoping for is an interactive experience wherein my readers and fellow viewers can discuss and debate the merits of the ghosts of television's past. Happy viewing.


SodaCue said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Sounds like an awesome idea :). Are you interested in animations? Cause I'd love to recommend you Bob's burgers. It's like king of the hill, the simpsons and family guy mashed together!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@SodaCue I absolutely love Bob's Burgers. So funny, and not enough people have heard of it.

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