Multi-Part episodes, a series of webisodes, and an editorial ranking the top 3 episodes are what you can expect from this week, as Buffy presents a Slayer-related event, the Life on Mars specials come to an end, and Firefly readies itself for the big damn movie.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a two-part episode coming up, wherein the Slayer is met by her replacement, and the season really starts to hit it's stride. What's My Line (Part 1) will be posted this Wednesday, January 30th, at 1:00am, and What's My Line (Part 2) will be posted later that day at 1:00pm.
Life on Mars has now officially come to its end, but hindsight is 20/20, and now's the best time to take a look back at what we've watched and discuss what played out the best. This Thursday, January 31st, at 1:00am, will be posted an editorial ranking the top 3 episodes of the series as a whole, as well as both the first and second series individually.
Firefly is being prepared for the big screen, and in doing so a series of web videos was released to explain what it is that made River Tam (Summer Glau) the way that she is. In the lead up to Firefly's silver screen debut we will be watching and reviewing the R.Tam Sessions, which will be posted at 1:00am on Saturday, February 2nd.
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